‘Recognizing Diversity’ Exhibition

‘Recognizing Diversity’ Exhibition



This exhibition has been created from Paula Verde’s photographs, and the texts of Ignacio Calderón, compiled in a recently published book ‘Reconocer la diversidad’ (Editorial Octaedro, 2018).

The exhibition aims to transform views about what we have understood by disability. Especially, the educational treatment that even today continues being given to the differences in too many schools around the world. In our educational systems, with our connivance, the systematic violation of the right to education of many children named by the disability occurs. They are segregated, rejected, objectified, ignored, unknown … in a space that must be erected as a guarantor of truly democratic societies.

This succession of images and words wants to invite a journey that overcomes indifference and allows change. A combination of beauty and discomfort that wants to disturb, yes. Because the stillness hurts. And because, by altering the order, new hopes also arise.


  • Department of Social Inclusion at the Secretariat for Access to Rights and Equity of the Organization of American States
  • University of Málaga
  • Observer Mission of Spain at OAS
  • Octaedro Publishing House
  • Art Museum of the Americas


  • December 4th to 15h, 2018


  • Marcus GarveyGallery. Organization of American States. OAS Main Building. 17th Street and Constitution Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006, USA.